Sunday, November 1, 2009

A change of plans

Just thought I'd give a quick update as to my whereabouts because I know lots of people still think I'm headed to Korea to teach english for a year, but in fact something else has come a good way.

I am going to Manila for six months to work as a consultant/trainer for an American company called Capital IQ. My friend Michele has worked for them for about a year now, helping manage/run/set up their office in Manila. Michele and I used to work together doing transcription work, and Capital IQ is setting up a transcription department overseas. Because I have experience and skills in this area, I'm going to assist in training the new hires there, as well as evaluate the training program that's in place, and help to improve their results.

I'm pretty psyched about the whole thing, as I'm excited about the work, which I think will be really challenging and engaging, and also about being back in that part of the world, and of course the travelling opportunities it offers:)

Will be in touch once I've arrived, am settled, and have recovered from jet lag.

Love to you all:)